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Bombers Eggbutt Ultra Comfy Lock Up Snaffle

Bombers Eggbutt Ultra Comfy Lock Up Snaffle

Regular price $179.80 CAD
Regular price Sale price $179.80 CAD
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This bit is not regularly stocked and is SPECIAL ORDER ONLY. Please purchase as usual and email to discuss manufacturing and shipping time. 

The Eggbutt cheek piece prevents pinching of the lips and gives a solid feel against the side of the face. It also prevents the bit being pulled through the mouth. The release is slower than the loose ring and also introduces light poll pressure.

The Lock Up snaffle removes the nut cracker action of the conventional snaffle, meaning no pinch and less pressure on the bars.


The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony.


The mouthpiece can be optionally more curved, creating a more comfortable bend  than the conventional, which reduces pinch and spreads pressure points around the bars.

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